2023 Feb. 15th stars

So I was chilling in a room thing then I realized I lucid dreaming, cool cool. I instantly stopped my self and did a reality check and made sure the dream was stable. I went on top of the bed and climbed through the window on the top saying I was going to be in a large wooden house castle in space and theres a big window to see the stars. And it worked! Grandma and grandpa were there being weird and laughing so I got rid of them. I looked towards the window and sat down in front of it next to Sophia to take in the beauty, it was really nice. But of course more people came in which was annoying?? I got up and got rid of a purple arrow thing that was moving everywhere and eventually was on the bed, annoying. I touched some stuff around and made sure to stay stable, and soon I went up to this weird looking girl, but she was 8 or something idk... I asked her to describe me, for some reason I couldnt hear her until the end where she said insecure... why. I gave up on that lol. I believe I was starting to head towards the bedrooms on the back but suddenly I wasnt lucid )::