I was at home and looked out the window and saw a bunch of red falling stars, apparently scientists call these the red fall. But the scary part is that scientists dont know if it will hit us or not because they are very close to earth and is worried the gravity would pull it in. Luckily it did not hit us and it was actually very pretty. I was paranoid for awhile checking to make sure no more are coming and I kept mistaking a plane for one. Reminds me of when I was young and was very paranoid of getting hit by a astroid or something. Anyway, dream switch? I was on a freezing flat area with a mountain behind me and I was with a man, and when I mean it was freezing, I mean it was FREEZING. Like Antarctica type. We hand large jackets and stuff. We walked along the edge near the water and found boats, apparently someone fed the man with scars one of a insects on the boat and he feels disgusted looking at it,, we kept waking and found another pair of people? (Also for so reason we have a lady with us too now) I dont remember much of what we said, but they were heading towards the freezing mountain, we said goodbye because we were going to go the opposite way (the water) we pulled out a small boat and me, the lady and scar man hopped in and started paddling away, but soon we heard a loud noise and we all turned around to see the mountain erupted, apparently it was a volcano. I screamed at scar man to paddle faster, but when I looked around I saw the pair of people from before start swimming towards us, but the issue is that we have no more room. I told the man to hurry up!(sorry to the people) We then had a long mouse and cat chase around the lake, at one point scar man told me to hold my breath and my eyes, I did and for some reason we were under water? But got back up quickly, we were farther away from them now, have no idea what he did. but then I looked towards the volcano and saw a blue fire like thing tumbling down the mountain towards the lake, and once it hits the lake, the blue flame turned into this large volcano splatter, it was huge and thick. We panicked and told scar man to GOOO cuz there was one heading our way but somehow ended up across the lake to the other side but the issue is that side also had an volcanic eruption?! So I fell off the boat into the water as the others stare in awe, I was down there for awhile panicking, PRAYING, that the lava missed us or something but I soon felt the waters temperature rise and I panicked. Luckily thats where the dream ended. I do remember there was more to the 2nd dream in the beginning but I cant remember? I think we had a camp site and a dog and few people. But I cant seem to recall hmm.